Pick the best calculation method for demonstrating credit achievement. Document EQc7.1 using a Predicted Mean Vote/Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PMV/PPD) calculation, ASHRAE comfort tool, or a psychrometric comfort zone chart from ASHRAE-55. The method you pick will likely be determined by the preference and past experience of the mechanical engineer. (See the Resources tab for software options).
List all spaces and occupancy types for the project on LEED Online. Indicate the kind and number of controls available in each of those spaces and provide a brief description of the control system in each space type. Identify any spaces or occupants that do not have individual controls and list those as well.
If using operable windows, locate as many people as possible close to them. The credit allows you to count a person as having access to an operable window if they are within a 20-foot depth and a 10-foot length from one. The operable portion of the window must also be at least 4% of the size of the floor area of the space accessible to a given window, per ASHRAE 62.1-2004. For example, for a 5-foot-long window plus 10 feet on either side the total qualifying floor area would be 25 (5 + 10 + 10) multiplied by 20, or 500 ft2.
For Exemplary Performancecredits, you will need to provide the same information as listed above but you can take the exact language from the Rating System. It is generally a good idea to include the LEED Submittal Template for the credit here too.