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LEED Volume Certification Program Launched

USGBC has launched a new program aimed at larger LEED customers—building owners and property managers certifying 25 or more LEED projects within a three-year window.
December 21, 2010

The LEED Volume Program, launched at Greenbuild 2010, is designed for government, education, real estate organizations, retailers, and the hospitality industry. The fledgling program has already engaged eight organizations, according to USGBC. A pilot program launched in 2006 had 38 participants, including Best Buy, Marriott Hotels, and PNC Financial Services Group, and resulted in 350 LEED certifications. Participants can now use the LEED Volume Program for design and construction projects (such as LEED-NC), and it will be available for LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (LEED-EBOM) in mid-2011, says USGBC.

Read the full story on the launch of the LEED volume certification program.

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March 22, 2011 - 1:00 pm

After reading the documentation about the LEED Volume program, I understand that it is essential to implement a quality control plan in order to ensure that the certified prototype will be implemented consistently. Thas is very similar to the objective of the commissioning process, althout on a larger scale. My question is : Is it necessary to implement a commissioning process everytime there a store is build, or is commissioning integrated in that overall quality control plan?

March 22, 2011 - 1:29 pm

Emmanuel, if I understand your question correctly, every building must be commissioned to comply with EAp1 and EAc3, if EAc3 is being pursued.