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Schematic Design

Consider whether your HVAC system will be able to power a flush-out while maintaining temperature and humidity levels during seasonal extremes in a timely fashion, without major scheduling impacts. A total of 14,000 cubic feet of outside air must be excha

Consider whether your HVAC system will be able to power a flush-out while maintaining temperature and humidity levels during seasonal extremes in a timely fashion, without major scheduling impacts. A total of 14,000 cubic feet of outside air must be exchanged for every square foot of floor area. The amount of outside air prescribed during a phased flush-out (0.3 CFM) may be several times greater than the normal rate required for a project’s occupancy, based on ASHRAE 62.1-2004, as required by EQp1: Minimum IAQ Performance

Be aware of all requirements for interior lights so that fixtures do not direct their maximum candela through windows to the outdoors. Identify locations where fixtures might have a direct line of sight to a window or other opening. The lighting designer

Be aware of all requirements for interior lights so that fixtures do not direct their maximum candela through windows to the outdoors. Identify locations where fixtures might have a direct line of sight to a window or other opening. The lighting designer should either eliminate those fixtures from the design, provide shades to prevent the maximum candela from shining outdoors, or include controls to turn off all non-