Facilities personnel should monitor and respond to any complaints about acoustics. This could include periodically metering decibel levels during the school day.
Inform facilities personnel of any activities that might affect the acoustics of the classrooms and core learning spaces, such as painting sound-absorptive material and replacing ceiling tiles. Provide a list of compliant products to verify that any future renovations, additions or repairs will comply with the acoustical goals.
Consider installing permanent water metering for ongoing monitoring of the project’s water use. A sub-metering system can help operations staff detect problems early and facilitate future LEED-EBOM certification.
Provide building managers with manuals for all irrigation systems and controls, fixtures and fittings, water-reuse technologies, on-site water treatment systems, and unconventional products.
In projects with operable windows, occupants may not know when conditions are best for opening the windows. Implement a system so that occupants are informed of when to open and close the windows to achieve designed performance and optimal comfort.
Getting feedback on ventilation performance from occupants through surveys can help to identify potential problems that may become expensive if they go unnoticed.
Test all dedicated building exhaust systems including chemical areas, bathroom, shower, kitchen, and parking exhaust systems to confirm proper fan speed, voltage, control sequences, and set points as applicable. Provide operations and maintenance personnel with manuals and educate them about any atypical maintenance requirements.