Daylighting controls can be set and tailored for each space. The facility manager or another designated person should be in charge of adjusting the settings to meet the needs of occupants.
Special finishes and materials may be used during construction to maintain a certain aesthetic or historic integrity. Be sure that operation and maintenance guidelines are developed that account for these factors.
The architect or responsible party drafts a narrative describing the project’s approach to building reuse, including the selection of preserved elements, and any outstanding project features.
Additional costs from maintaining designated smoking areas within a building may include more frequent and more rigorous cleaning, disposal of ashes and butts, and frequent change-out of ventilation system filters. Light fixtures and finishes may also need to be replaced more frequently in designated smoking areas.
Additional policies to support a nonsmoking building may include providing smokers with alternatives such as outdoor smoking areas, giving employees incentives to quit smoking, and if smoking is permitted in parts of the building, developing a phase-out plan.
Maintenance will be required for most stormwater systems. If the project uses structural controls, check with the product manufacturer, designer, and engineer for details on additional cost for maintenance requirements. If the project uses non-structural controls, have the designer confirm the associated maintenance practices for facility manager or additional contracts required. Maintenance costs will vary depending on the strategies employed.