Track performance when less-than-100% adoption of any of the environmental best-management practices occurs. (See the Standard Practices vs. Best Management Practices guide for additional information.)
The responsible party reviews all vendor-provided practices and products prior to contract renewal (typically annually) to identify opportunities for improvement and expansion of environmentally friendly practices.
The staff member responsible for overseeing the plan communicates regularly with all service providers, and conducts routine site inspections and evaluations to ensure that the plan is both in place and functioning as intended.
Contractors involved with various elements of your plan carry out their tasks according to their contracts and report all relevant activities to building management.
Use low-impact cleaning products or power washing in accordance with policies established for SSc2: Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan. Best practices include minimal use of cleaners, low-impact cleaning agents, use of electric-powered sweepers and manual tools, and periodic power-washing with water only.
Run calculations to confirm that at least 50% of your project’s hardscape meets the credit criteria or that at least 50% of your parking is located under cover.
Another way of looking at this is that if seated occupants must tilt their heads up from horizontal to see outside, their spaces do not meet the credit's view criteria.