We have an existing 45 Storey building consist of 2 basements, ground, two mezzanine, and 40 floors.
since the owner tendered a renovation & Maintenace work, replacing all the MEP systems, and big part of finishes, for all floors. excluding the exterior. First 3 floors will be used by owner team and facility management. Thus, owner decided remaining 40 floors to be used by tenants as offices rental.
Which rating system is most suitable for our case?
Kara Strong
Project DirectorSustainable Design Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
31 thumbs up
August 1, 2024 - 11:18 am
Hi Ammar. I'm thinking the appropriate mechanical system is LEED Core and Shell, based on the following:
You should consider checking with LEED Coach (leedcoach@usgbc.org(link sends e-mail)) to confirm.