Hello Users,
I have a question regarding 2 separate (identical) residential buildings, registered to LEED separately by architect (NCv4bdc), located a court yard across from one another, with 2 different C&D Waste management haulers.
Building 1. is 75k SF; Building 2. is 150k SF.
Hauler 1 provides monthly C&D reports (comingled) for both buildings combined.
Hauler 2 provides monthly C&D logs w/tickets for each of the 2 buildings. Different dumpsters for different demoltion waste streams.
Best solution, suggestions, or votes?
1. tell hauler one, I need not 1, but 2 monthly reports for each building;
2. Combine all reports to one and use the Square Footage as a determining C&D ratio;
3. Other?
Thank you kindly,
- AP
Tiffany Beffel
Managing PartnerInnovative Workshop Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
22 thumbs up
November 5, 2023 - 7:47 pm
Hi Allison - with two separate buildings persuing two separate LEED certifications, each building should be managed separately relative to construction waste and any supporting documentation. You definitely have an interesting circumstance with the integration of two haulers. I would suggest starting off with a discussion with the haulers to identify how you can get separate reports for each respective building and how the waste can be effectly managed separately for the duration of the project(s). This would provide you with the best outcome for LEED compliance relative to clear and concise diversion and documentation.
Allison Para
LEED AdministratorDobco Group
November 6, 2023 - 3:32 pm
Thank You for the confirmation Tiffany.
I will be at the sight tomorrow and will get this straightened out. The buildings are under demolition at this time.
I will make sure the subs and team understand the waste management plan to what goes where regarding dumpsters, and hauler #1 provides 2 reports.
Truly appreciate, thumbs up
Jan Chlubna
Green business specialistSkanska
1 thumbs up
November 7, 2023 - 2:52 am
Hello Allison,
you can use 3) split the report #1 into one-third (75k SF building) and two-thirds (150k SF building). It's a standard practice when more buildings share one construction site and you need to get separate waste reports. My latest experience: campus project with three separate buildings (separate certifications) but reported as one project when it comes to C&D waste. Simply split numbers for certification purpose and add explanation on that.
Allison Para
LEED AdministratorDobco Group
November 9, 2023 - 4:25 pm
Hello Jan,
Thank you very much for your response and shared experience.
This happens to be my situration as well where the 2 buildings are in a campus setting. I truly appreciate this.
Another thumbs up!
- AP