I'm working on a high rise multifamily project, and I can't find anything in the reference guide about whether the ASE requirement applies for residential projects. I understand the need to mitigate ASE in a work setting, where glare presents a light quality issue, but I don't really see that it would be applicable in a MF setting. That's not to say that it doesn't make sense to have glare-control devices (shades) for all regularly occupied spaces, but would you still have to manage ASE in a residential setting? After all direct sunlight in a home is often considered an amenity, especially in heating dominated climates.

For the project in question, we would have to install a significant amount of external shading devices at a rather high cost, and the team is questioning the intent of the requirement. To me it seems that internal manual shades would meet the glare requirement in a residential setting, but I'm curious if USGBC or others have an opinion on this point.
