I have a question which might be simple for all of you but I need to understand it well. I am aware that each project outside the US has 6 RP points avalible out of which the project team can earn 4 only. Upto here its okay but how does the team actually earn the RP point? For instance the WEc3 in LEED CS. If water is reduced to 30% you can get 2 point, 35% 3 points, 40% 4 points and eventually 45% 5 points (Exemplary performance point). Now how will you get the additional point for RP? Simply by saving 30% and earning 2 points and then 1 point RP or you have to save 40% and earn 4 points get the 1 RP or you should get the exemplary performance and earn 5 points in total and then 1 additional point of RPc1 will be granted?