Requirements of C&S IEQ Credit 3 also apply to tenants fit-out ? I am working in a Shopping Center Certification Process where tenants will be responsible for the fit-out of their shops (including HVAC system), using their own design teams and contactors. Therefore, it will be difficult for the owner to obly and control the implementation of the IAQ management plan inside tenants areas. How could we comply with this credit requirements ? Thanks a lot !
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
August 31, 2012 - 1:26 pm
Pedro, see CS Appendix 4 in the LEED BD&C Reference Guide—this answers your specific question, and is something you should famliarize yourself with for other credits.
Ricardo Sá
Director of SustainabilityEdifícios Saudáveis Consultores (503 910 767)
86 thumbs up
September 7, 2012 - 10:25 am
Thanks a lot Tristan. My interpretation of Appendix 4 is that, if we implement the plan in the Core & Shell areas we will award 1 point. If we implement the plan in the Core & Shell AND tenant areas we will award 1 additional point due to Exemplary Performance. I am right ?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
September 8, 2012 - 9:31 am
Pedro, this is how I read the Reference Guide, yes.