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CS-2009 IEQc3: Construction IAQ Management Plan—During Construction
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
February 21, 2012 - 11:09 pm
David, if they're not air handliers than they don't have the MERV 8 requirement.
Ciaran McCabe
DirectorPassive Dynamics Sustainability Consultants
12 thumbs up
November 20, 2016 - 3:55 pm
If we are seeking LEED credit Indoor chemical and pollutant source control do we need to ensure that Fan Coil Units are installed with MERV 13 filtration. I didn't think so until I read Am I correct in saying that both the Fan Coil Units and the AHU's now need Merv 13 filtration ?