The latest LEED Online version 04 for MRc4 Recycled Content and MRc5 Regional Materials now has a stand alone spreadsheet which is much easier to complete. On past projects, whenever I had a Recycled Content line item, I also completed the Regional Materials portion for that line item irregardless if it met the Regionl Materials criteria of being witihin 500 miles.

My question: If a material is listed as a line item under Recycled Content, do we also complete the Regional Materials portion as well or do we leave the Regional Materials portion blank if the material's manufacturing & extraction is outside of the 500 mile radius?

I had a recent project review and MRc5 Regional Materials was listed as pending due to some of my line items being outside of the 500 mile radius with no cut sheets uploaded. The credit was being put on hold for line items that did not contribute to the credit in the first place.