Currently working on a project where a 100,000sq.ft. PEMB is being demolished down to the steel structure and foundation. We are recycling all of the metal sheeting, metal roof, wire, hardware, pipe, etc. on the job (contributing to Construction Waste Management). We are also crushing the existing parking lot into usable fill (contributing to Construction Waste Management).
Since we are resusing the foundation and the red iron frame of the building can this apply for buiding reuse, regional points or recycled (salvaged) content? Will the newly created usable fill from the existing parking be able to apply for recycled content, regional materials or building reuse?
Which credits cancel eachother out?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
June 21, 2010 - 7:09 pm
Before I can give you solid answers, I have a couple questions back.What is the square footage of the resulting construction?What CSI section woudl the fill fall under?
Sara LeMone
21 thumbs up
June 30, 2010 - 12:22 pm
We are reusing 100% of the existing foundation and rebuilding the building from the existing steel structure, which is just under 100,000 sq.ft. We have not yet calculated the square footage of the panels and roof that have been removed.
The fill will fall under either 2004 CSI 31 or 32 and will qualify to be included in calculations.
Anne Nicklin
Executive DirectorBuilding Materials Reuse Association
167 thumbs up
July 6, 2010 - 2:37 am
Hi Sara,
If I'm reading your question right, there are three primary questions:
1. Removing the existing roof and wall panels- which credit does that apply to?
a. MRc2- CWM – Yes, this is definitely the right credit to apply these materials to.
2. Reusing the existing structural & foundation- what can that be used as?
a. MRc1 – Building Reuse
Yes, you could definitely include these elements in the MRc1 calculations. However, the calculations might not work in your favor as the credit rewards projects that retain the structural floor, roof decking and exterior cladding. Even if the building is only a single story with an existing slab, it is unlikely that the first floor (which will include the structure) square footage will be 55% of the total.
b. MRc2 - CWM – If you do not count the materials towards MRc1, MRc4 or MRc5, then you can include them in the MRc2 calculations. There’s no clear info available on this, but logic would suggest that you either get credit for getting rid of the material (MRc2) or for keeping the material (MRc3-7).
c. MRc3- Material Reuse- Unfortunately, fixed elements that are still able to be used in their original function are not eligible for inclusion in the MRc3 calculations.
d. MRc4- Recycled Content – It could be a bit of stretch, but I think an argument could be made for including these components in the MRc4 calculations. By estimating the replacement cost of the steel, and applying the default recycled content allowance of 25% - it could add up. The reused foundation will not be able to register any recycled content unless you can verify the concrete mix that was originally used, or effectively estimate any rebar content. Both elements would become part of your baseline materials cost, but could benefit the MRc5 calculations as well.
e. MRc5- Local/Regional Content- I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be able to include the structural steel and foundation in the MRc5 calculations, using the estimated cost of replacement.
3. Crushing existing parking lot for usable fill – what can that be used as?
a. MRc2-CWM – yes- this is definitely an acceptable compliance path as long as you do not add this content to MRc4 or MRc5.
b. MRc4 & 5– This could be the same argument as for the foundation/steel, but it’s a bit less likely to pass muster. Although the logic is the same, there is an existing CIR history (1/30/2009) that calls for crushed asphalt to apply to MRc2, thus it might be a bit tough to make this argument.
Hope this rather long winded answer helps you out. Let me know if I misunderstood any of the issues.
- a
Sara LeMone
21 thumbs up
July 13, 2010 - 9:52 am
Thanks so much! If I opt to go for MRc5 - Local/Regional Content, do I use the location of the project as the extraction point for the reused steel and foundation?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 19, 2010 - 2:40 pm
Yes, that's right.