The LEED Reference Guide seems to give conflicting advice on how to pursue Path 12 of this credit.

On page 66, the basic description for Path 12 says that "the requirements of another LEED rating system credit" are an acceptable way to pursue a point. Then, under "Benefits and Issues to Consider," just down the page, it says the following:

"Path 12 thus accommodates credits from other LEED rating systems not specifically itemized in Paths 1 through 11. For example, the exemplary performance criteria under SS Credit 5.1, Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat, in LEED for New Construction awards 1 innovation point for restoring or protecting a minimum of 75% of the site area (excluding the building footprint) with native or adapted vegetation on previously developed or graded sites. Projects that implement such a program at a LEED-certified building site may apply for this option."

That seems to imply that you have to pick a credit from another LEED rating system, AND attain the EP threshold (if there is one) for that credit.

Which approach is right? The former seems to make more sense, and is described in the Checklists section above, but the RG is confusing me on this.