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Number of cycles

EBOM-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Jonathan Miller on Feb 18, 2014, 11:03 pm

What is the number of cycles necessary to achieve 1 point? 10?

100% well or non-potable water

EBOM-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Elizabeth Dunn on Nov 14, 2016, 12:29 am

Our building uses 100% well or non-potable water. We are pulling the water analysis but even if we aren't meeting the fullest number of cycles, we aren't using any water from the municipal source...

potable water analysis

CS-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by sue bryant on Mar 4, 2015, 3:32 pm

Can this be fulfilled via a City water quality report?

No cooling tower

NC-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Maria Porter on Nov 26, 2013, 8:14 am

If you have no cooling tower, do you automatically get the point or you are not eligible for the credit?

Is there a timeframe for the minimum number of cycles?

NC-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Gregory Martin on Sep 10, 2014, 4:02 pm

I am working on a presentation to educate my office on Lv4. This being a new credit I don't think I am totally understanding the requirements. The guidebook states "limit tower cycles to avoid...

Which parameters of the cooling tower?

NC-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Jade Deltour on Oct 22, 2015, 8:27 am

Which parameters/performances of the cooling tower need to be checked/optimised to limit tower cycles to avoid exceeding maximum values?

Campus Cooling Tower

NC-v4 WEc3: Cooling tower water use
posted by Brightworks Sustainability on Dec 20, 2016, 6:34 pm

My project is not installing a cooling tower, but they will utilize the shared existing campus cooling tower. Can we achieve this credit with the campus-wide cooling tower, if it complies with...

reference book LEED v4 ND is it mistake?

ND-v4 NPDp1: Walkable Streets
posted by natalia rakhmanova on Aug 28, 2015, 2:43 am

Please any AP ND explain me how they got BH-SC ratios 1:0,6 1:0,86 and 1:1,33 instead of 1:1,66 1:1,16 and 1:0,75 ? I am talking abt REVERENCE GUIDE ND V4, page number 176, calculations for "...

Block length

ND-v4 NPDp1: Walkable Streets
posted by Martine Desbois on Oct 27, 2016, 12:01 pm

Hi Elliot,
Could you confirm that plaza and pedestrian only paths, being right-of-ways, can be used to define the end of a block length? Thanks

Garages and Service Bays

ND-Plan-v4 NPDp1: Walkable Streets
posted by David West on Feb 10, 2015, 5:42 pm

Does surface parking count as a garage and/or service...