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Forum » Pilot-Credits IPpc100

PHIUS Certification

Pilot-Credits IPpc100: Passive Survivability and Back-up Power During Disruptions
posted by Neil Rosen on Feb 3, 2023, 11:08 am

Regarding Option 1 Path 3 - What Certification from PHIUS will satisfy this pilot credit?  Design or Final?  It would seem that Design would be all that should be required as Paths 1 & 2 are...

Option 2: Provide Backup Power for critical loads (1 point)- Back-Up Power Time Duration Table 1.

Pilot-Credits IPpc100: Passive Survivability and Back-up Power During Disruptions
posted by Dionisio Franca on Mar 25, 2019, 9:19 pm

Back-up power time duration table 1 divides facilities in three categories:

1. Baseline facilities, 2. Fundamental community service organizations, and  3. Solar and wind electric back-up...

Last reply: Dionisio Franca, May 21, 2019, 8:36 pm