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4027 search results for "zero lot line"


Shared Project Boundaries

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Ezra Gutschow on Sep 13, 2016, 7:56 pm

LEED CR SSc8 We are working on a USAF aircraft hangar project where two hangars that are being designed side by side. The LEED boundary between the two projects runs along a paved driveway between the two hangars, that will serve as the primary secure access driveway to the airfield apron. Security requires that this access drive be illuminated. We can not meet the SSc8 lighting requirement for boundary lighting due to close proximity of the hangars and security lighting requirements. In this case it is clearly an advantage to have spill lighting at the boundary line. Is there a way to get...

0.2 FC at LEED Site Boundary if adjacent to Ambulance Drop-off?

Healthcare-v2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Joyce Kelly on Oct 2, 2014, 5:28 pm

If Ambulance Drop-off is best served adjacent to LEED site boundary, achieving 0.2 FC at curb line would compromise emergency functions. Should we abandon the credit or is an exception possible? SSc8 ...

Uplight- Option 2 Calculation method

NC-v4 SSc6: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Yvonne Fan on Mar 18, 2015, 5:06 pm

Would appreciate very much if anyone can clarify that the maximum allowed percentage of total lumens emitted above horizontal (by lighting zone) is applied to each luminaire or the sum of all lumens from all luminaires inside the project boundary. Thanks a lot in advance! SSc6 ...

Specialized transportation lighting

NC-v4 SSc6: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Vince Briones on May 27, 2015, 3:51 pm

Hi all, Is "Specialized transportation signal, directional & marker lighting" subject to the interior lit exterior sign illuminance limits? The Uplight/Trespass exemption section of the Ref Guide lists this separately from interior lit exterior signage, which leads us to interpret it is not subject to these same requirements. In which case, is there a industry definition of such "transportation" related lighting? We ask as we have an airport project that includes a fleet vehicle que line "call board" which is used to pace the flow of commercial shuttle/taxi traffic through...

Walkway versus public street

NC-v4 SSc6: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Jens Apel on Jun 1, 2015, 7:45 am

This may be an academic question but I am unsure on the wording. The modification of the lighting boundary depends on adjacency to a walkway or a public street. What if there is a walkway in front of the main entrance and a public street after the walkway. Thus, the street is not directly adjacent to the project Do I move the lighting boundary by 5 feet or to the street's center line? This is a very common situation in Germany / Europe. SSc6 ...

Illuminated area

NC-v4 SSc6: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Bill Swanson on Jun 24, 2016, 11:53 am

I just had this come up on a project. The reviewer will only allow me to count hardscape area for the LPD table if that area has over 0.2 fc. In the past people have asked me if they can count a parking lot or sidewalk if it doesn't have any lighting. My answer has always been yes. Now, USGBC is saying no. I'm trying to find out why and where this 0.2 fc limit came from. Rereading the language of ASHRAE 90.1 v2007 and v2010 I see the difference. v2010, section 9.4.3 states, "...for areas that are designed to be illuminated..." Back in v2007, section 9.4.5 has no mention...

Minimum light levels are now required

NC-v4 SSc6: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Bill Swanson on Jan 20, 2017, 3:15 pm

This has come up on a project and we lost on appeal so I'm sharing this information with everyone. Any area being claimed in the wattage baseline calculation must be illuminated to a minimum light level of 0.2 fc. In the past, if there was a section of a parking lot that the Owner didn't want lights installed I would still claim the square footage of that hardscape because it created a higher baseline wattage. The reviewers will not permit this practice anymore. An area must be illuminated in order to claim any reduction for it. Meaning wattage must be added if you want to show an energy...

lighting power densities

CS-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by gustavo goldman on Sep 14, 2010, 3:14 pm

(tradable surfaces at 1.25 w/ft2) and not include a separate line item for Main Entries or Other Doors (in order not to account two times for the same light fixtures). Is this reasonable? Also, one of our...

Scope of SSc8 for Interior lighting

CS-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Ron Dean on Mar 26, 2013, 1:09 pm

Hello, I just want to make sure I’m right about complying with this credit. Our building doesn’t have C&S areas that have a direct line of sight to opening in the building envelope. To be more specific, the C&S areas are at the center of the Project and the future tenants areas do have a direct line of sight to opening in the building envelope because they are around the C&S areas. So, only for interior lighting, I supposed we comply with this credit because it only applies to C&S scope, right? (The reference guide doesn't say anything about this credit in appendix 4) BTW: We...

SSc8 lighting along rail tracks

CS-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Kristopher Lashley on Aug 18, 2015, 11:06 am

We are working on a project where the back of the building is very close to the property line that abuts a railway track. This railway track is used only for freight and not for any passenger trains. Does anyone know of any allowances that would allow for extra distance of the lighting boundary? The building is LZ3 classified and on the other side of the railway track is a scarp yard. Any help would be great. Thanks! SSc8 ...