Please verify if a smoking area can be located within 25 feet of a pair of doors that only service a utility room. The utility room is unoccupied and only accessible from the outside of the building by workmen on an occasional basis. The room is sealed off from the rest of the interior with fire rated partitions. The partitions are sealed at top and bottom to a 9 inch thick concrete slab. Penetrations through the interior wall will be sealed with appropriate UL rated systems. The space is independently heated and cooled with its own split system, so is not connected to the supply and exhaust system of the main building. The doors have a closer and automatically latches. Smoke seals can be added to the hardware set as required to meet this prerequisite.
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
May 15, 2012 - 1:26 pm
Sara, your case has some validity, but I would say that the smoking area cannot be within 25 feet of the utility room doors. LEED's policy on this matter is pretty straightforward and it seems clearly contravened here. What about the health of the people servicing the utility room?