Dear all,
It is being really hard to obtain Manufacturer data for the roof materials SRI in my country.
There is a table in the LEED Reference Guide that lists the "Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) for Typical Roofing Materials". Is there any possible way that I can use this table in my calculations by any chance?
Susann Geithner
PrincipalEmerald Built Environments
1297 thumbs up
December 20, 2010 - 10:06 am
We have had the same issue on our projects. There are no SRI values for roofing materials and the only way of getting them is to perform an rather expensive testing. As far as I know and have read so far you will have to prove the actual SRI. You can not use that table. We haven't actually tried a CIR or submitted the credit with presume values. So maybe they will except it, but my guess is not.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
December 20, 2010 - 10:18 pm
I would second what Susann says. You have to show actual SRI. I think part of the hope of LEED in general and perhaps in this credit is that manufacturers will be more motivated to provide this kind of information.
Maya Karkour
EcoConsulting872 thumbs up
December 21, 2010 - 3:50 am
In this project, the gravel or cement on the roof is going to be painted white. The white paint is produced locally by manufacturers who do not know what SRI means!
As such, can I use the SRI value for the white coating in Table 1? I do not think that the SRI will vary significantly among white coatings.
Any suggestions?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
December 21, 2010 - 8:03 am
Again, I think you need to use actual values, not rely on the table. The value for something that appears "white" can in fact vary a lot, especially when it's applied to something like roof ballast.
Petra Hajná
Sustainability ConsultantSkanska Czech Republic
189 thumbs up
March 18, 2011 - 5:06 am
Does GBCI want to document SRI of materials that have SRI lower than required by this credit as well as of complying materials?
For example, part of roof is covered with bituminous material and part of roof covers high albedo EPDM foil. We have documents only for EPDM foil. In calculations for this credit I intent to use actual SRI for EPDM and for bitumin a value from the table or other sources. Could this be acceptable? Obviously, bitumins do not have high albedo so the manufacturer doesn't even want to test the material for SRI. This sounds logical to me...
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
March 25, 2011 - 12:36 pm
Petr, you do not need to document SRI for materials that you are not using to comply with the credit. I hope that answers your question.
18 thumbs up
September 12, 2011 - 3:16 pm
I have the same problem in Brazil. Difficulties to obtain SRI value for some materials. One of most respected tech institutes performs SRI test according to ASTM E 1980. However, the refletance value is obtained by ANSI/ASHRAE 74-1988 - "Method of Measuring Solar-Optical Proprerties of Materials - E procedure". Emittance is measured according to ASTM C1371, as indicated by the LEED RG.
Can USGBC/GBCI accept SRI values for a material performed in accordance with these standards referenced, using ANSI/ASHRAE Standard, instead of ASTM standard, to determine the reflectance value?
We have not submmited any CIR or LEED Interpretation.
Susann Geithner
PrincipalEmerald Built Environments
1297 thumbs up
September 16, 2011 - 4:30 pm
The reference Guide page 119, see footnote 2, listes both ASTM 1980 and ASTM c1371. So you should be fine. No CIR necessary.
Marco Marco
13 thumbs up
January 20, 2012 - 8:23 am
Reference Guide CS 2.0 says on page 105: "Default values will be available in LEED-CS v2.0 Reference Guide". I assume this points on the table on page 107. Under the table there is a statement that the values dont replace values of manufacturer data sheet. Strange for me? As we use white coatet gravel on built-up roof and white cement tiles I would take the values from the table...
For documentation the RG says just to provide a list of materials of the SRI, but not how to proof this SRI. So I assume that they dont need manufacturer data sheets as proof, right?
Susann Geithner
PrincipalEmerald Built Environments
1297 thumbs up
January 25, 2012 - 10:25 am
You will need the manufacturer data sheets or testing protocols showing the SRI. You really can not use data listed in the table of sample data you may find otherwise. Also make sure the manufacturer list the standard under which he has tested the SRI.
Sorry, I know this is hard and expensive if you are working on a non US project. Good luck!