This is the updated portion of IEQ c5.
In mechanically ventilated buildings, each ventilations systems that supplies outdoor air shall comply with the following:
o Particle filters or air cleaning devices shall be provided to clean the outdoor air at any location prior to its introduction to occupied spaces.
o These filters or devices shall be rated a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 13 or better in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52.2.
o Clean air filtration media shall be installed in all air systems after completion of construction and prior to occupancy.
Deleted Portion: "In mechanically ventilated buildings, install new air filtration media in regularly occupied areas prior to occupancy; these filters must provide a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 13 or better. Filtration should be applied to process both return and outside air that is delivered as supply air."
Does this mean that only the AHUs will need MERV 13 to achieve this credit and FP-VAVs will not need MERV 13? Sounds like the return air filtration requirment had been eliminated.
Any thoughts?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
April 22, 2011 - 6:04 pm
Yes, the return air filtration requirement is eliminated.
Michael Smithing
Director - Green Building AdvisoryColliers International Ltd.
304 thumbs up
September 19, 2011 - 2:01 pm
We have 100% fresh air in our building and Merv 13 filters installed. The building owner is asking why they need to change the filters after completion of construction. Since the filters are only 1/3 through their useful life this seems wasteful. Is there some reason the AHU filters need to be changed after construction is complete?
Dylan Connelly
Mechanical EngineerIntegral Group
LEEDuser Expert
472 thumbs up
October 18, 2011 - 6:38 pm
This question applies more to IEQ credit 3.2, but it is a great question. In my opinion there is no benefit to changing out your filter as the units are not doing any recirculation. You could probably submit a narrative explaining why you didn't change out the filter.