Hello Users,

I have a question regarding 2 separate (identical) residential buildings, registered to LEED separately by architect (NCv4bdc), located a court yard across from one another, with 2 different C&D Waste management haulers.

Building 1. is 75k SF; Building 2. is 150k SF.

Hauler 1 provides monthly C&D reports (comingled) for both buildings combined.

Hauler 2 provides monthly C&D  logs w/tickets for each of the 2 buildings. Different dumpsters for different demoltion waste streams.

Best solution, suggestions, or votes?

1. tell hauler one, I need not 1, but 2 monthly reports for each building;

2. Combine all reports to one and use the Square Footage as a determining C&D ratio;

3. Other?

Thank you kindly, 

- AP