We have a Manufacturing Facility project registered under a Campus registration having a common STP for treating all the of the Campus Waste-water.
This is allowed According to the CIR ID#10276 made on 04/01/2013, for achieving the intent under Option 2 for 50% treatment but the project might re-use the treated water beyond the boundary of the project but within the Campus.
We are concerned because the CIR also says - "Treated Water must be infilterated or used on-site by the project." We can guarentee that all the waste water from the project will be treated by the campus STP and re-used on the Campus. But we cant show that the treated wastewater has been entirely re-used on the project site itself. Is it acceptable for meeting Option 2, if shown that the treated wastewater will be used on Campus (not necessarily on the project site)?
(We are already planning reuse of Treated water from the Effluent Treatment Plant located on the Project site for all domestic usage meeting the intent of WE P1 and WE C 3. Since the STP will not be considered an on site non-potable water source.)
Thank You.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 26, 2014 - 7:02 am
Ashwin, it sounds like a reasonable approach to me but given the wording you quote for that LEED Interpretation, I think you would need to get a CIR or at a minimum discuss the option with GBCI to be able to pursue this.
Donald Green
Sr Project Manager / Operations ManagerProgressive AE
35 thumbs up
August 13, 2014 - 11:31 am
Any update on your credit pursuit - we have the same situation on a campus whereby the tertiary will be used within the campus but not on the specific LEED site as that part of their tertiary water system will not be constructed when the buildings become occupied and they cannot guarantee that the system will be online within 1 year.
Any information is appreciated.
Thank you,
Rubén M. R.
106 thumbs up
August 13, 2014 - 12:51 pm
I would like to know if you have any update on your credit pursuit or if you sent a CIR, as we are facing a similar situation. Our project is part of a complex and 100% of the project waste water will be treated, but the treated water will be use on the complex but not on the LEED site.
Any information will be really helpful.
Thank you
Ashwin Kumar
Sustainability Services ConsultantM+W Group
3 thumbs up
May 25, 2016 - 7:23 am
The CIR I have mentioned has the reply to my query in more clarity now -
Please see the link below -