why call section017419
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NC-v4 MRp2: Construction and demolition waste management planning
why call section017419
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Tiffany Beffel
Managing PartnerInnovative Workshop Consulting
LEEDuser Expert
22 thumbs up
November 8, 2020 - 6:47 am
Hi Ramkrishna. I am afraid I don't understand your question. Can you please clarify?
Afogreen Build
www.afogreenbuild.comGreen Building Consultant
248 thumbs up
December 1, 2020 - 7:22 pm
Hi Ramkrishna,
Are you referring to this document below?
This document or section 01 74 19 with title of Construction Waste Management is part of Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers. Federal Green Construction Guide for Specifiers is developed to address the need for a comprehensive guide for procuring green building products and construction/renovation services.
Based on this website (https://www.wbdg.org/ffc/epa/federal-green-construction-guide-specifiers/01-74-19), section 01 74 19 Construction Waste Management is a guidance with sample specification language intended to be inserted into project specifications on this subject as appropriate to the agency's environmental goals. Certain provisions, where indicated, are required for U.S. federal agency projects. Sample specification language is numbered to clearly distinguish it from advisory or discussion material. Each sample is preceded by identification of the typical location in a specification section where it would appear using the SectionFormat® of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI); the six digit section number cited is per CSI Masterformat® 2004. The first 2 digit (01) refers to division 01 of general requirement (there are 50 divisions of construction information as defined by the CSI's MasterFormat 2004).
The essential point is that document (Section 01 74 19) is never mentioned in LEED guide, LEED form, and submittal tips. The statement in LEED guide page 481 only states "Consider how CWM plan requirements, or the requirement to write a plan, can be included in specification documents under Division 1, General Requirements."