I'm posing this question under this particular credit, but it's actually applicable to a number of credits in a number of the rating systems. For this credit, the credit form includes the reused interior surface area table that must be completed but does not indicate that any supporting documentation needs to be uploaded. The reference guide, however, reads that the required documentation includes 1) drawings indicating locations of interior elements and 2) tracking table showing total area of all interior elements, reused interior elements, percentage of reused elements, and cost of each element. I'm never sure what to do in this case, and I assume to some degree that it depends on the reviewer. Has anyone attempted this credit and not uploaded the documentation listed in the reference guide? Thank you!
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
August 6, 2020 - 11:25 am
The rule has always been to provide the documentation you're asked for in LEED Online, and no more. I would have the additional documentation on hand, at least to the extent that you know you could produce it and it would demonstrate what you need to demonstrate. But discrepancies between the Reference Guide and LEED Online are common, and in my experience the bottom line is to give GBCI what they ask for, not what USGBC put in the RG.
Dee Spiro
30 thumbs up
August 6, 2020 - 11:34 am
Thanks, Tristan. That was the response I was hoping for. While the discrepancies can be annoying, I guess they keep us employed as no one else wants to try to decipher all of this! Thanks again for the very quick response.