
I'm working on a project located outside the U.S. in Estonia and the the project is classified as Multifamily building. I entered all the information into Portfolio Manager and the project automatically gets an ENERGY STAR Score, but next to it there is a note in blue that says 'Not eligible to apply for ENERGY STAR Certification' because the project is outside the U.S. 

However the LEED O+M reference guide says:  'Many projects, even projects outside the U.S., fall under Case 1 because most buildings are eligible for an ENERGY STAR rating'.

I would like to know if I should follow: Case 1-The project is eligible for an ENERGY STAR rating or Case 2-The project type is not eligible for an ENERGY STAR rating?

Also while following Case 2 Option 1 we have to compare our building with national average data (Path 1) or similar comparable buildings (Path 2). In Estonia we do have national average data for energy consumption as there is special benchmark for buildings that are already in use but data is only available for buildings that are registered from 1999 year.  If Case 1 is not available can we use Estonian Local Benchmark’ing system for it that only shows average normalized building total energy consumption? It will be impossible to put all of these buildings into Portfolio Manager so how technically it can be resolved? Is there any calculator for Case 2 Option 1 Path 1 or no matter what it should be done in Energy Star Portfolio Manager?

Many thanks.