Input your building’s energy use in Arc/LEED Online. Use one of the following methods:
Upload the Arc Data Template
Edit the 5th bullet to read as: "Enter data directly"
Add the following language under the bullet points:
"It is recommended to provide data formatted with each energy meter listed separately. If providing combined data include a calculation or summary table showing how the values were determined. Only combine data from meters with identical service dates."
Add the following language after the sentence that reads "Make sure there are no gaps...":
"If an energy meter is not used for part of the year (e.g. the meter went out of service/was replaced) make sure the data for the meter includes the entire reporting period by including zero for the months where energy has not been consumed."
Delete: "Also input your weighted occupancy, weighted operating hours, and gross floor area (see How it Works step 4. Get started) via the USGBC calculator."
Under Step 4, add the following language after the first sentence:
" The energy score will be calculated using the floor area, occupancy, weekly operating hours, project location, and emission factor information provided for the project (see Definitions and custom emissions factor section below)
Emissions factors
Unless otherwise specified, default standard emissions factors will be used to convert energy consumption into equivalent GHG emissions, using the latest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional grid mix coefficients for U.S. and Canadian projects, and national grid mix coefficients from the International Energy Agency. The grid mix coefficient values are kept up to date with U.S. EPA and IEA release updates.
A feature to use a custom emissions factor for electricity sources is available. In most cases, the standard emissions factor should be used, but if an alternative value is more appropriate for the project, and the alternative factor is pre-approved by GBCI, a custom factor may be used.
For pre-approval, submit a formal request to GBCI at with justification for why the use of custom emissions factors is appropriate and necessary for the project, identify and provide the source of the emissions factors data, and describe how the emissions factors were developed. "
Revise Required Documentation to read as:
"- Utility invoices for all fuels, with consumption values and dates highlighted
o Internal meter reading logs may be provided in place of utility invoices where the latter are not applicable, but a narrative should be provided to explain the
circumstances (e.g., the building does not have utility meters and energy consumption is measured with building-owned meters).
- Energy performance score, GHG emissions score, source energy score result. A minimum performance score of 40/100 is required for initial certification
- Copy of pre-approval of custom emissions factor from GBCI (If custom emission factor is being used)