What is the purpose of defining Project LEED boundaries when all the buildings are part of a Master Site application?
I'm stymied (already!) by the requirements to provide the basic information required on the individual project's PI forms - number of parking spaces? Area within LEED boundary? Do we provide the Master Site numbers, or the numbers derived specifically within the Project LEED boundary? If the latter - for what purpose? If the former - isn't this information redundant - it should be on the Master Site PI forms.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated!
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
November 3, 2013 - 10:48 pm
Deborah, you need to show that individual LEED buildings meet LEED requirements, and this will require LEED project boundaries that define the areas relevant to their credit achievement.
8 thumbs up
January 2, 2014 - 3:06 pm
Hello. I have a follow-up question to Deborah's: Is it possible that an individual LEED project boundary associated with a Master Site is simply the building footprint? Also, since the parking spaces are allocated in the Master Site application, is it feasible that the number of parking spaces provided for building users be 0 on the individual project PI form? Or does this contradict the language in the 2010 AMGBC document (p.8) that states “LEED project boundary must include all land that is associated with and supports normal project operations...” Are parking spaces for employees of an office building considered to support normal project operations? Thank you for any guidance.