The following is review comment I received for SS 4.2. "Refer to the comments within PIf3: Occupant and Usage Data. Revise this credit, as necessary, to ensure that bicycle storage facilities have been provided for at least 5% of the LEED project FTEs, students above third grade, and transient occupants, measured at peak occupancy, and that shower/changing facilities have been provided for at least 0.5% of FTE project occupants." For PIf3 I received "1. It is not clear how the peak transient value has been determined. Based on the scope of this LEED for Schools project, it is unexpected that the project would include only 18 peak transient visitors to the project space. Note that the peak transient occupant value must reflect the highest number of transient visitors to the LEED for Schools project building at a single, regularly occurring point in time. Note that this would include sporting events that would be held in the Gymnasium and community events that would be held in joint use spaces. Provide a narrative clarifying how the peak transient value has been determined. Provide a revised form, as necessary, that includes the correct peak transient occupancy value. Ensure that the occupancy values have been reported consistently throughout the submittal." The number of transients, I believe peak or otherwise, should not be included for SS 4.2 per the credit language. Is this correct? Also, are people attending a sporting event or any activity in a Joint Use Space considered transients and to be included in the peak transient calculation? When sporting events and or Joint Use Spaces are being used it is after school regular operating hours, classrooms are empty. The peak transient number I provided was coordinated through discussion with the school.