Hello all,

We want to achieve this credit for a manufacturing facility. The air supplied to the production area is delivered through 26 propeller hooded roof fans and each one supplies 20,000 CFM to the ventilation zone. The ventilation rates supplied to the space are much higher than the ventilation rates stated by ASHRAE 62.1-2007, due the low occupancy. Therefore we would like to justify the credit monitoring the ventilation performance through the BMS to verify the correct performance without having the airflow measurement devices. If an equipment fails, an alarm will be send to the central monitoring and the maintenance department will be notified.

This is because the purpose of the credit is to avoid the CO2 concentrations in the spaces, but evaluating the proportion of the space, the quantity of occupants in the area and the ventilation rates in the ventilation design this condition will not happen, and also the ventilation system will operate continuously during the occupation hours, this way we can corroborate that the outdoor air flow is according the project. Could this be acceptable for reaching this credit?

Thank you in advance.
