The Hazard Assessment prerequisite calls for “review [of] site-specific references where available to identify hazard risk modifiers of a particular location (e.g. Flooding, Hurricane, High Winds, Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, Wildfire, Drought, Landslides). For general reference, use the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety Home Page (IBHS) Zip Code tool located on their webpage." 

  • If you navigate to the IBHS link at the top, there is a link on their page that appears to be a zip code tool under “Fortified Resources,” but all those hazard assessment tools referenced are for IBHS members only. I contacted IBHS about membership, and members need to be insurance companies.
  • If you navigate using the Fortified link at the top, there is only information about Fortified Wind (including a fill-out form) that applies to commercial structures. I could not locate anything that assists with site assessment.

Here is the link to the Zip Code Tool but it appears no tool is available. 

Are we missing something?