I've just checked the LEEDonline submittal form for this credit (which by the way mentions a previously unknown EAp2: Minimize Energy Performance prerequisite, ha, ha) which has the following wording:
"The energy model is calibrated to actual energy consumption by end use.
The responsible party for calibrating the energy model is identified in the
M&V plan."
Surely here is another typo which should read:
"The energy model WILL BE calibrated to actual energy consumption by end use."
Hannah Pham
20 thumbs up
May 19, 2010 - 12:39 pm
You should get a project checklist (if you don't have one already) that lists all the possible credits and required prerequisites in all the LEED catagories. I've found that the prerequisites require a lot more work than the actual credits (at least for WE and EA). And, I just found out recently that ALL the prerequisites in EVERY catagory must be met in order to get LEED certification, even if you aren't attempting points in some of the catagories. Are we having fun yet? ; )
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
May 20, 2010 - 2:15 am
Yes, I would agree that you found a typo, Jean. Or if I were being generous, just vague wording.Hannah, you're right! WEp1 and EAp2 are particularly important prereqs and the documentation for the associatd credits WEc3 and EAc1 is completely derivative from them.