I received review comments from GBCI related to ID credits and it said "Only a program specific to the LEED CI project can be considered for an ID credit." and also "A program applied to the entire base building cannot be utilized as an ID credit."
Here is the confusing part. We are the only LEED project in the base building, and base building doesn't offer any of the ID credits we proposed/implemented. ID credits such as Green Cleaning and Pest Management that CI project team developed with building management are subject to denial becuase it benefits the entire bulding.
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
June 7, 2011 - 4:55 pm
Seonhee, this review comment does not make sense to me. The reviewer doesn't seem to understand that CI can be applied to whole buildings, so a building management approach is quite appropriate in your case.
Seonhee Kim
Director of SustainabilityDesign Collective
19 thumbs up
June 8, 2011 - 12:28 pm
Tristan, I am glad that I'm not the only one feeling that way. We are in a clarification process, and I'll let you know how things get resolved. I had to adjust some credit language in the credit proposal, but intent had been kept and we are still doing better for the environment. Thanks for your response.
Kevin Wilcox
7 thumbs up
August 30, 2012 - 2:54 pm
Have you received any response to your re-worded reply for these two innvoation credits? I submitted the same ID credits for a LEED CI-2009 project and they were denied with the same explanation noted. Since I was able to achieve our LEED certification without these two points I just dropped them without submitting an appeal. I believe the revised language response should be sufficient to gain approval of these ID credits. I am preparing another LEED CI project for submittal and would like to include these ID credits. Any update on your status would be appreciated.