Hi All -
Had quick Innovation+Design query. Has anyone submitted Green Houseekping, and Green Purchasing, as 2 independant Innovation and Design Credits? The USGBC documentation I've seen on Green Purchasing seems to include Green Housekeeping - informing that they cant be pursued seperately. Thoughts?
Many thanks
Larry Jones
Associate DirectorAtelier Ten
258 thumbs up
December 8, 2010 - 2:36 pm
The answer to your first question is, No, I haven't attempted a separate procurement ID credit. Green purchasing or procurement has been used in v2.2 but it was always tied to a more comprehensive scope such as green cleaning. Other approaches I have seen is demonstrating reduction in waste strategies through procurement or environmentally preferable services (which really ties back to green housekeeping). I think if you are trying to demonstrate a new policy/procedure for green procurement in your building see the EBOM system. It has a whole section (credits and prerequisites) on sustainable purchasing. What I'm unclear about is if you can pull one of these credits as an ID credit in the NC system. However, I think you could make the argument that it's unavailable to you under NC, prepping your client to potentially go for EBOM in the future, etc.
breeze glazer
Research Knowledge Manager: Healthcare Sustainabilitypw
59 thumbs up
December 13, 2010 - 5:46 pm
Thanks for the insight Larry - much appreciated.
Linda Davisson
Senior Sustainability StrategistJacobs Engineering
225 thumbs up
February 17, 2011 - 9:38 am
Our teams have submitted Green Housekeeping idependently as ID credit and have achieved every time. The criteria is very specific - see LEED-EB credit criteria for guidance.
Jonathan Weiss
Jacobs Buildings & Infrastructure215 thumbs up
April 22, 2011 - 9:55 am
We have a client who is concerned that some of these strategies - Green housekeeping, Education, etc. are not still acceptable in LEED 2009. Have you been successful under 2009 with these? Is there anything in the reference guide about it?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
April 22, 2011 - 12:50 pm
Jonathan, I haven't heard or seen anything to indicate that these approaches are suddenly invaid for LEED 2009. In fact, the education approach is pretty much enshrined, via the Reference Guide, and the housekeeping should still be fine. What is the specific concern?
Jonathan Weiss
Jacobs Buildings & Infrastructure215 thumbs up
April 22, 2011 - 2:54 pm
The client pointed me to a GBCI document that stated that pre-LEED2009 CIRs were no longer necessarily binding, and he extrapolated that to mean that the CIRs about ID credits could not be counted upon. My reading of the document was that new versions of LEED can supersede previous rulings on specific credits, but for anything not otherwise specified they would generally stick with the intent of the original ruling. I did see the education piece in the reference guide, thanks. The whole interaction kind of threw me for a loop, but I wanted to check in with this group to see what others had experienced.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
April 23, 2011 - 12:37 pm
The CIR piece is important, but I wouldn't read too far into it. They have always said that previous ID paths are not precedent setting, but there are well-worn paths that folks know how to follow, and are allowed to use.