LEED NC 2009
IDc1 has two paths you can follow.
Path 1:
Allows for (5) points max for LEED NC 2009 for an innovative approach to a particular item or issue.
Path 2:
Allows for (3) exemplary performance points and are based on using existing credits by either doubling or achieving the next incremental percentage threshold of an existing credit. Not all credits have this option but some do.
Total max points allowed under this credit (IDc1 LEED NC 2009) is (5) and this can be accomplished through any combination of points following path one or two. My question is where does the Educational Program option fit into this credit, Path 1 or Patch 2? Is this considered either an innovative approach or an exemplary performance approach?
Thank you,
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
February 4, 2011 - 10:15 am
Lee, the eductional path is a very common "innovation" option under Path 2. "Exemplary performance" is for existing credits where you are going above and beyond the basic requirements. Education doesn't exist as a regular credit.By the weay, saying "any combination of points" through path 1 or 2 is not quite accurate. Path 2 is limited to no more than 3 points, and there is also a Path 3, for up to 5 points. See our guide above for more on that.
Lee Dingemans
LEED APWightman & Assoc.
56 thumbs up
February 4, 2011 - 10:34 am
Perhaps the below is more accurate to say.
Max points for path 1 is 5
Max points for path 2 is 3
The combined max points I am able to earn for this credit is 5 points.
This includes per your note above 1 point for an Educational Program point following path 2 "Exemplary Performance". Thus the Educational Program point is 1 of 3 points possible following path 2 “Exemplary Performance”.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
February 4, 2011 - 10:53 am
Lee, sorry, but I slipped up in my explanation there. I correctly said that education is an innovation-type thing, but incorrectly called it path 2. It is path 1.This is all summarized quite succinctly in the diagram at the top of the page, although I just made an update to that diagram and I see it's not showing up properly -- will fix it now.