Wehre working on a project that will consist of a new 310,000 industrial facility attached to an existing 150,000 warehouse. Based on EAp2 new percentages for energy improvements are 10% for new buildings and 5% for major renovations. Since our project is composed of both a new building and an existing one we'd like to know the extent of the renovation we'd have to make on the existing warehouse, and therefore which is the percentage threshold he have to achieve as we assume we'd have to make one energy model that combines both structures.
a) Is it possible to include the existing warehouse in our LEED boundary without making any renovations to it?
b) If we were to make the necessary upgrades as defined by the term "major renovation", which is the percentage that we need to target for the entire project?
Thank you.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
January 10, 2011 - 6:30 pm
Bianca, since the existing building is not new, it is basically included in the project as a "renovation." So the answer to (a) is "yes" and the answer to (b) is prorated based on your square footage.