I have a NCv2009 project that is a dormitory on a college campus.

This is a case where the reference guide and LEED Online do not seem to match. We have a dormitory project that is not allowing smoking on site or in the building. According to the "CASE 1: All Projects" it seems any project can prohibit smoking inside the building. However, according to "CASE 2: Residential and Hospitality Projects Only" we are required to do blower-door testing on each unit. So, I expected from the reference guide that we could simply prohibit smoking in the building.

Now, when I went to LEED Online, it asks me if this is a residential project. When I say yes, it tells me to enter the results of the blower door test. So, this makes me think that USGBC assumes students will smoke in their rooms regardless of the building policy.

Here on LEEDUser it says that any project can prohibit smoking in the building, but LEEDOnline seems to say differently. Which way is it?

I really don't know how to proceed. Design is done. Construction starts tomorrow. We were planning to submit our design review tomorrow. I could submit this with alternative compliance to say it is not residential for the purposes of this credit as there is no smoking in the building. If they deny the credit we'll just have to defer it to the construction phase anyway. I'll likely be working on a backup plan in the meantime.