Anyone out there know of domestic manufacturers of rapidly renewable materials or products? The federal government has "Buy American" clauses in their construction contracts which prevent us from using goods from outside the U.S.
Forum discussion
NC-2009 MRc6: Rapidly Renewable Materials
Anyone out there know of domestic manufacturers of rapidly renewable materials or products? The federal government has "Buy American" clauses in their construction contracts which prevent us from using goods from outside the U.S.
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How does this credit treat materials that come from animals such as wool or leather?
What building components are typically purchased with FSC content to earn this credit?
Does FSC-certified wood automatically contribute to IEQc4.4 as a low-emitting material?
Does FSC-certified bamboo products count towards this credit?
Should wood used on site features such as benches or a gazebo be included here?
Is there a minimum quantity of wood that must be used on the project to qualify for this credit?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
May 7, 2010 - 10:45 am
Elliot, have you checked out the "GreenSpec Products" sidebar to the right? There are a ton of ideas there, and although you need a BuildingGreen Suite membership to view the results when you click through, it's a worthwhile resource.While items like bamboo, linoleum, and wool are likely to be made overseas, what about items like cotton (insulation), agrifiber (straw-core doors, straw panels), or soy-based products? While I can't say for sure, any of these products seem likely to have domestic sources.Anyone else? And please keep us posted on what you learn.
Mike Miller
Director of Environmental and Engineering ServicesEggers Division - VT Industries
36 thumbs up
June 4, 2010 - 3:00 pm
Agrifiber based flush doors, raised panel doors and door jambs are available for commercial projects. The cores are made with wheat straw based particlboard with no added urea-formaldehyde resins. The doors are manufactured by several commercial door companies. The products are usually in the 75% percent compliant material range.
Mike Woodfall
National Account ManagerBunge North America
July 6, 2012 - 11:30 am
You could also take a look at the USDA's Biopreferred Program,