It appears that there is a fairly major shift in the relationship between the tenant spaces within the project scope and the base building. In the past, all energy modeling for EA Credit 1.3 explicitly kept performance parameters of the base building and spaces outside the scope of the project identical to be sure they were energy neutral as it related to the CI submission. Now, the new energy modeling guidelines that are part of both the prerequisite and Credit 2 appear to penalize the CI submission for a poor base building and benefit the CI submission for a high performing base building.

For the record, i am interested in other's opinion's, as well as more conclusive responses from Tristan or others.

Can you please confirm the following:
1. In general are my conclusions above correct?
2. We should expect a differential between all chillers, boilers, base building AHUs, etc. since the baseline will be based on ASHRAE (not existing) and the Proposed will be based on reality.
3. We should expect a differential between building envelopes since baseline performance stems from ASHRAE and Proposed will be based on reality.
4. Lighting that is not in the scope of the project, should be modeled identically (energy neutral). This is different than the treatment of HVAC and Building Envelope.
5. There appears to be no change in the determination of the "Segment" with v4. The segment should be the smallest portion of the building served by the air-side HVAC system that serves our project. All water-side systems can be prorated.

Cheers, KB