Hi, we have 2 buildings on our site pursuing two separate certifications. One is an office building and the other a data centre (one client). A portion of the office has some of the data centre equipment (command room) and is fed off a central system that serves the main data centre. Electricity for that room is also off the main data centre distribution board. Is it possible to model the energy use of the data centre portion of the office block with the main data centre and exclude it from the office model? (Even though it is housed in the office block)
The reason for doing this would be to simplify the model so that we don't have to try and apportion energy use from different parts of the data centre.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 25, 2014 - 7:11 pm
Chilufya, I'm sorry for the slow response—have you figured out a solution to this?My take would be that this would be very tricky in terms of managing these two projects as separate LEED certifications with overlapping energy models. The onus would be on you to show that you can do this is a way that is robust and makes real sense in terms of LEED.Would it make any sense to put the data center portion of the office building in the LEED boundary for the data center?
Chilufya Lombe
Sustainability ConsultantSolid Green Consulting
30 thumbs up
July 29, 2014 - 10:09 am
Hi Tristan, thanks for your response. I will suggest that and see how it affects the rest of the credits being targeted.