We have been working for over 2 years on the design submittal of a very large LEED CS office tower, but the lease area has always been somewhat unclear and now, only a few weeks away from completing the Design Stage submittal, the owner won't confirm the area that will be let. The building is under construction now but is several years away from completion. There are internal reasons to submit as-is under CS . What is the worst-case scenario if we submit now, under CS, but showing a truthful estimation that the leasable space is more than 60% owner-occupied (including non-leasable space it will be closer to 90% owner controlled)? Will the reviewers refuse to review it as CS at all, and require us to switch to NC? Or will they let us carry on and require us to resolve everything at a later stage? Does anyone has experience of reviewers refusing because the project is under the wrong certification system? Does anyone have experience of switching systems after a successful design stage submittal?