Is it safe to assume that complying with a credit under an alternate rating system will yield an Innovation & Design point if the current rating system does not include that credit?
Example: My project is registered under LEED-CI. We will be installing PV panels to meet 1% renewable energy. On-Site Renewable Energy is a credit under LEED-NC, but not addressed in LEED-CI. Could I assume that USGBC will accept this as an ID point?
Scott DeGaro
Sustainability AdministratorBarge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc.
80 thumbs up
December 3, 2010 - 2:45 pm
I would say that it's not generally safe to assume a credit from one system can be applied to another. In fact, most of the time it's probably not the case. The credits from one system are generally identified for specific reasons. There are two examples that I can think of that can apply from one system to another, LEED-EB:O&M credits for Reduced Mercury in Lights and Green Cleaning are generally accepted (with some modification) under LEED-NC.
However, specifically to your project, renewable energy is included in LEED-CI under SSc1, Option 2, Path 11. 1 point is earned for 2.5% and 2 points for 5%.
Crystal Brokaw
Architect30 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 9:36 am
Hi Scott,
Our project is unique in the sense that our scope of work screams LEED-NC. However, we are not eligible for LEED-NC because we are renovating a "wing" of a building, which does not comply with LEED-NC MPR #2 (must be a building in its entirety). We are upgrading the exterior envelope, redoing the entire wing's MEP infrastructure, and adding a new mech penthouse on the roof with heat recovery wheels and PV panels. While we meet many NC credits, this is far above and beyond the LEED-CI agenda, which leads me to believe that we should yield some ID points especially if these measures are credit-worthy in NC.
In terms of the example that I gave, LEED-CI states that you can only receive the SSc1, Opt 2, Path 11.1 renewable energy credit if your building already implements renewable energy prior to the start of your project. Our project will include installing PV panels, and we should hopefully receive an ID point from doing so...but in the end, its USGBC's call. I was just curious to see if anyone had received an ID point for complying with a credit under an alternate rating system.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 9:43 am
Crystal, I usually advise people that earning a credit from a different rating system is a commonly accepted way of earning an ID point.In this case, my first reaction was, though, that this is covered under SSc1, as Scott suggests. But you make a good case that it's not. To find out for sure, you could submit a CIR, or just submit and hope for the best.
Scott DeGaro
Sustainability AdministratorBarge Waggoner Sumner & Cannon, Inc.
80 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 12:07 pm
What I’m seeing in the credit language for SSc1 states that if your building implements one of the following at time of submittal. It doesn’t state that you can’t implement those as part of the LEED-CI project, just that the building has to have them implemented for the submittal. It further goes on to say that you can also comply with the corresponding LEED-NC credits for the items identified. So back to your original question, I think by providing the 1% you’d still meet the requirement, but it wouldn’t be an ID credit, just meeting option 2, path 11 using the LEED-NC credit (EAc2).
A CIR is always a good idea when in doubt. Better to find out how to handle the situation now, rather than later.
Crystal Brokaw
Architect30 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 12:26 pm
You are right about the language saying that we can comply via the corresponding LEED-NC credits, which should cover my example (and a few other items we are implementing as well). However, in terms of the portion of the intent that says items must be "in time of submittal", I dont think that includes any items to be implemented thru our project, but rather those that are already in place before construction. But regardless, whether the item is already part of the building, or the project team implements it, you would still get the credit. Either way, I like it, because I get the credit and open up a few more slots for ID points! :)
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 12:33 pm
I agree with Scott here. "Time of submittal" means final submittal when the project is built and all documentation is complete. I'm not sure why you think this excludes construction. Here's the SSc1 language, for reference.Reading this, seems clear to me that the PV is covered under SSc1. Be careful—SSc1 is not just another IDc1 path. You can only earn so many points under SSc1, and it doesn't just cross over and get combined with IDc1.
Crystal Brokaw
Architect30 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 12:41 pm
Yes, I agree "time of submittal" would be after construction. I was orginially thinking design phase submittal...why? I dont know. so great, everything is cleared up!
And yes, I saw that there is a 5 point max. But 5 is a lot coming from 0, which explains my enthusiam! I am not sure what you mean by "get combined with IDc1" but I only plan to use those points for SSc1 where applicable, and other measures to meet ID.
Crystal Brokaw
Architect30 thumbs up
December 7, 2010 - 12:57 pm
LEED-CI Reference Guide for SSc1, Opt 2, Path 12 explains everything. Thanks.