I understand that we have to meet the credits in the current submission and also show that we comply as a master site. However, I am confused about what goes into the actual Template. I checked the boxes for the credits we are pursuing and then the Template auto opens up several areas to populate for the credits we are pursuing.
My guess is that these calculations need to be for the whole site calculation?
I clicked on Maximize Open Space and then Case 3. For "Total Site Area within the LEED project boundary" it pulled up the value that was linked to my current submission and not the value for the whole site. My project's LEED Site Boundary is much smaller than the total area of the master site.
Can someone help to clarify for me which case is to be used?
Thank you,
Dan LeBlanc
Senior Sustainability ManagerYR&G
86 thumbs up
January 21, 2013 - 6:26 pm
Hi Lauren
The way I've always thought of this credit is that the site master plan refers to the site within the LEED boundary, not a larger 'master' site, and the revised credit calculations for future additions or separate buildings on the site prove that the credit thresholds are still met within the same site area, despite the addition of more roof area, hardscape, building footprint, exterior lighting, etc...This would mean that appropriate planning to achieve the credit thresholds had occurred when the master plan was created.
I'm not aware of an approach to the credit where the credit calculations are expanded to encompass a larger site than the LEED boundary (see previous posts), but would be happy to find out if this is a possibility.
Lauren Sparandara
Sustainability ManagerGoogle
LEEDuser Expert
997 thumbs up
January 21, 2013 - 6:31 pm
Hmm, yeah...this is a school project with a couple LEED certified schools that are separately certified on the site. They are each distinctive buildings and so would need to be certified on their own. Basically there are 5 phases of this master plan, with phase 5 still remaining. If you had a second, perhaps I could email you what I have? It seems like we are meeting the intent...my email: lauren.glasscock@dnvkema.com.
Lauren Sparandara
Sustainability ManagerGoogle
LEEDuser Expert
997 thumbs up
January 23, 2013 - 1:23 pm
Thanks for your help. I think I understand now. :)
So - just to clarify, the calculations within the Letter Template should be for within your project's LEED Site Boundary with the planned development included? This is what I think but I just wanted to confirm.
Scott Preston
Sustainable Design Specialist LEED AP BD+CSLATERPAULL Architects
January 31, 2014 - 11:44 am
To be clear...In regards to the LEED site boundary for the master plan, we need to extend the boundary to include current and future development? Then recalculate the credits based on the entire master site, correct?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
March 7, 2014 - 10:15 am
Scott, that's correct.