How are the use of building components (pre-fabrictated wall panels, floor panels and roof trusses) incorporated into MR2? Clearly the best way to mitigate onsite construction waste is to prevent it from being delivered to the jobsite at all.
Studies have shown the use of building components (wood or steel) can reduce waste by 650% or more. In our case, steel components are even more efficient due to custom length roll formed materials. Steel recycling is also a very mature (and easy to accomplish) activity. Point is all these factors achieve the intent of the credit.
What is the best way to document the 'waste management' strategy of using components?
Steve Beck
Chief Sustainability OfficerLeChase Construction Services LLC
8 thumbs up
November 23, 2010 - 1:47 pm
You have hit on one of key issues with the current LEED CWM requirements; they only address recycling, not really looking at the greater concept of CWM. I would assume that the reason is that diverion via recycling is easy to document whereas diversion via waste avoidance is difficult
LEEDme Lorenzi
ing. Giorgia Lorenzi15 thumbs up
September 30, 2014 - 8:06 am
Each C&D Waste Management Plan usually follows two strategies:
1. Waste Minimization – Waste prevention and material reuse on site to avoid waste generation in the first place.
2. Recycling – Separation of recyclable materials by type onsite and contract with a qualified hauler, salvager, or recycler to transport materials to end users.
Calculation required by MRc2 is about total construction waste and total percentage of construction waste diverted from landfill. You cannot really count contribution of waste not produced.
Giorgia - LEEDme
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
October 24, 2014 - 4:41 pm
Keith - Sorry for my tardy reply. I was away from all communications while on vacation.
As Steve points out, currently LEED v2009's MRc2 does not address waste reduction. LEED v4's MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management does offer an Option (#2 - Reduction of Total Waste Material), which would address overall waste reduction efforts.