I think I have a great idea for an ID credit (maybe someone already has tried it). For my CI-project I want to have beehives on the (green) roof. Do you think that it would qualify as an ID credit? Have you heard of anyone who has tried it?
I could explain how bees are dying globally because of a mite, that 80 % of our food would not be on our tables if we didn’t have bees pollinating our plants, that species of plants in our city parks are dying due to lack of pollinators etc. Bees are essential to our eco system!
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
December 17, 2011 - 11:44 pm
Maria, this sounds like a fantastic idea, just (in my opinion) not something that LEED is likely to recognize as an ID credit.Let's say you're using a super-innovative elevator on the project that saves a ton of energy... LEED will say that use of a single technology is not comprehensive enough to qualify for IDc1, and energy savings are already covered under EAp2.Same thing here—putting beehives on the roof seems like using one 'technology" and is not a comprehensive strategy for sustainable food, habitat, or education. I could see the beehives contributing to a habitat credit or an ID point for education, or for food, using EBOM MRc6 as a model.
Maria Porter
Sustainability specialistSkanska Sweden
271 thumbs up
January 13, 2012 - 5:40 am
Tristan thank you for your reply
If I were to try this idea, what do you think would be my strategy to have it approved? I could submit it in design phase and get feedback.
I am planning on having lectures on the subject of the problem of global bee death and the importance of having bees. Then I am also planning on having the honey as educating gifts to both staff and clients of our company. One could have stickers on the jar educating people as well as letting them understand it was actually produced in the middle of a capital city. Signage in the building communicating the message could also be done. Do you think that would be awarded with ID credit? What else could I do?
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
January 13, 2012 - 10:54 am
Maria, this sounds to me like a good approach. I have not heard about other LEED projects focusing an education credit on one specific issue, so you're a little unique there, but the fact that you are providing comprehensive education on it and linking it to the building seems good. To be on the safe side I might also highlight any other habitat impacts of the building, to make the educational component even more comprehensive.
Maria Porter
Sustainability specialistSkanska Sweden
271 thumbs up
May 20, 2013 - 7:56 am
I did a great job in extending this approach to be educational and informational. But it was just denied in the first review without any comments on how to improve it!
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
May 20, 2013 - 9:57 am
Was there a reason given for the rejection?
Maria Porter
Sustainability specialistSkanska Sweden
271 thumbs up
May 21, 2013 - 2:43 am
To me it seems that you are only allowed to think inside the box, not outside. Three of my innovations were denied (and I know the criteria for an ID-credit). So I'm changing them to 'the old usual ones'. Review comments were: "The strategy consists of only one product and is therefore not comprehensive; the strategy is not quantified using a baseline and design case; and only those strategies that have significant environmental benefits - beyond standard sustainable design practices are applicable to Innovation in Design credits."
Rachel David
Sustainability Consultant / OwnerWasatch Enverdigris
March 14, 2023 - 2:33 pm
So unfortunate they wouldn't see the value in this! I agree- innovation are no longer 'thinking out of the box' for truly innovative ideas- they are options to pick from a preselected set of options and no longer are open to new options. Think of how many project might consider hosting bees if this was recognized as a point!!! I wonder if it could be considered an innovation of exceptional performance going beyond just providing pollinator plants on Protect and Restore Habitat but also providing a habitat to host and bring pollinators?