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Best Practices

If occupants need to move into the space before the total volume of outside air has been applied, they may do so after at least 3,500 cubic feet of outside air per square foot of area has been delivered. After that, the space must be ventilated at a minim

If occupants need to move into the space before the total volume of outside air has been applied, they may do so after at least 3,500 cubic feet of outside air per square foot of area has been delivered. After that, the space must be ventilated at a minimum rate of 0.30 cfm per square foot of outside air (or the design minimum) for at least 3 hours before occupancy until the total of 14,000 cubic feet per square foot has been supplied.

Consider surveying building occupants several times throughout the year. This is not a LEED requirement but may produce more meaningful data about how the building is performing. Also, if you implement any changes from the corrective action plan, you may

Consider surveying building occupants several times throughout the year. This is not a LEED requirement but may produce more meaningful data about how the building is performing. Also, if you implement any changes from the corrective action plan, you may want to administer a survey after implementation to verify that the problems were adequately addressed.