Refer to the ASHRAE compliance form to check if measures such as controls, sensors, wiring, equipment efficiency, window specifications, and pipe insulation are included in drawings and bid packages.
As the prerequisite energy target goes beyond code compliance, some members of the construction team may not be familiar with the additional requirements. Integrate equipment selections in drawings and bid documents.
Identify unique or unfamiliar energy-efficiency strategies in the construction documents and confirm expectations and requirements for installation. Outline standards and requirements in bid packages so that they are clear to the general contractor and subcontractors.
The prerequisite is dependent on the baseline allowance of lighting watts/ft2. Run preliminary calculations, using the building area method or space-by-space method, and determine which option provides the greater allowance for your project.
The energy modeler should begin the modeling now, and continue to update it whenever design changes are made to ensure that the project maintains the prerequisite requirements.
Continue to verify that the prescriptive requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2007, Sections 5–10, are being met throughout changes in the design development phase.
Continue to verify that the mandatory and minimum requirements of ASHRAE 90.1–2007, Sections 5–10, are being met throughout changes in the design development phase.
Confirm that the established energy-efficiency measures are incorporated into your design. Identify any questions left open or strategies not included and analyze the potential long-term energy savings before ruling out a strategy that the team or owner is considering eliminating because of its perceived high cost.