Perform LEED calculations using the LEED Online calculator to evaluate compliance. Only “softscape” areas are included in calculations. Projects that replace landscape irrigation with hardscape to reduce irrigation needs cannot count this area in their calculations.
For WEc1.2: No Potable Water Use or No Irrigation, projects have to achieve a 50% reduction in total water applied in addition to eliminating irrigating with potable water.
Fill out the LEED Submittal Template. You will need to provide information on the blackwater source (toilet or urinal), annual quantity treated, annual quantity infiltrated onsite, annual quantity reused onsite, and plumbing drawings or other documents that detail information about the onsite treatment,
Fill out the LEED Submittal Template. You will need to provide information on annual reused water amount and, and if necessary, plumbing drawings or calculations illustrating that your non-potable water systems are capable of supporting the quantities determined.
Even if you are attempting Option 2, you will want to select water-efficient fixtures, which minimize the quantity of wastewater treated onsite. To accomplish this, target the most consumptive fixtures to achieve the greatest water reduction, but keep in mind the very different maintenance requirements for waterless fixtures. See WEc3: Water Use Reduction for more information. Also, review the Option 1 steps of this credit.
Compare the baseline and design case water budgets to determine the water reduction percentage for your project. The LEED Submittal Template has a built-in calculator to facilitate this calculation. Repeat this process until selection of water fixtures and strategies is finalized and your project’s water reduction goals have been met.
Track and record information on applicable fixtures, including the manufacturer, model number, and flush or flow rate. This will help you when filling out the LEED Submittal Template. Fill out the Submittal Template calculator early in design simply as a draft to determine if you are meeting the requirement.
Document credit compliance on LEED Online. This credit has an LPE path for Professional Engineers where project plans, drawings, and other information is not necessary for upload. For the full documentation path you will need to complete the following:
Complete the LEED Online Letter Template and prepare the following documents to show credit compliance, according to your chosen option. The LEED Reference Guide also offers good process guidance and sample documentation for this credit.