Document credit compliance on LEED Online. This credit has an LPE path for Professional Engineers where project plans, drawings, and other information is not necessary for upload. For the full documentation path you will need to complete the following:
Mechanical ventilation
- Provide the completed ASHRAE 62.1-2007 calculator.
- Provide controls drawings showing outdoor airflow measurement devices serving non-densely occupied spaces.
- Provide detailed information on outdoor air ventilation rates (including required air flow rate, accuracy of devices and setpoints).
- The controls designer will need to sign the LEED Online credit form stating that the monitoring devices meet the credit requirements.
- Proivde drawings showing the location of CO2 sensors for densely occupied spaces.
- Provide a list of densely occupied spaces
- The controls designer will need to sign the LEED Online credit form stating the CO2 sensors are programmed to generate an alarm.
Natural Ventilation
- Provide a drawing showing the zones, windows and location of CO2 sensors.
- The controls designer must sign the LEED Online credit form stating that CO2 sensors are installed in all naturally ventilated spaces, are located in the breathing zone, and will generate an alarm.
Project phase:
Credit tip type: