If providing new parking for the project, begin developing literature or flyers that communicate to building occupants the programs and infrastructure to support the reduced use of single-occupancy vehicles.
Mixed-use projects such as apartments over street-level retail, have two options to earn this credit, determine which option is best appropriate for your project:
Option 1: If the project is less than 10% commercial, follow the options for residential projects. If the project has more than 10% commercial space, the commercial space should follow the options for non-residential compliance and the residential portion should follow the options for residential compliance.
Determine which of the two options for residential projects is most appropriate:
Option 1: Do not exceed minimum zoning requirements for parking capacity, and provide infrastructure and programs to encourage carpooling and vanpooling.
Identify whether your project is non-residential, residential or mixed-use. Depending on your building type, assess each of the compliance paths separately to see which best suits your project’s scope.